
Monday, April 16, 2012

Wild Nights

You know how people say when you have kids you stop having wild nights?  Well, I am here to prove them wrong!  I mean, sure, back when I was in college a wild Saturday night* was full of dancing and drinking and general mayhem.  But THESE DAYS, they include things like tattoos.

Family Tattoo
Or for those in the know...we refer to them at tats.
Family Tattoo
Some may frown upon the idea of allowing young children to ink their bodies while under the age of three, but we are hard core like that in this family
. Family Tattoo
Cars for life, man. Cars for life.

*for the sake of the blog post, we will just go with at least SOME of my college Saturday nights were full of this.  Maybe not ALL of them. There is a small chance a few of them were full of card games or movies or maybe even catching up on entire seasons of Sex in the City and Survivor. Clearly I have always been a awesome.

**Thank you for your kind words on my last post about Nora. The entire situation is very complicated and utterly heartbreaking, but we truly appreciate the love and support you all have shown our family.  xoxo


  1. This post made me giggle. I LOVE the Cars "tats." :)

    1. thanks friend :) Now every day Henry asks "where is Mama's Cars Tattoo?!?!"
