
Monday, May 28, 2012


My best best friends daughter, Morgan, graduated from high school this weekend.
Morgan's Graduation
And at some point I am going to have to stop calling her my best friends daughter and just start calling her my friend, because for a very long time Morgan has been much more than my friends daughter to me.   And who cares about a small age difference, I love this girl as my friend, all on her own accord.
Morgan's Graduation
Me, Boo and Cici with the new graduate
Morgan's Graduation
The family all outside the ceremony, where it was approximately one million degrees.
Morgan's Graduation
The proud parents
Morgan's Graduation
After the ceremony the family had a party to celebrate our (I take a little ownership of her) girl. I am in love with this picture of our little group!
Morgan's Graduation
Charing knows how to throw a party. For some reason I only photographed the desert table, but the dinner was even more impressive. I sometimes wish I could live with Charing and eat nothing but her food. I sometimes think Nick wishes that too...
  Morgan's Graduation
speaking of Nick (And Henry too!) They were there.  ( I am now discovering I did a terrible job of taking pictures at the actual party.  But there were lots of people! Including the graduate!  And lots of good times were had!)
  Morgan's Graduation
Oh, here's one picture! Liz and Candice were there too! ( I think maybe Nick took this picture because I have no memory of it. But it made me laugh when I found it on my camera)
Morgan's Graduation
Our own movie star was also present to help celebrate. She is very busy, but always has time for Morgan!
Morgan's Graduation
Morgan baby, we are so proud of you. I Love you, sweet girl.


  1. How time flies.......You watched my house and dog and now she is old enough to do it for you.
    How can this be????????? xoxoxoxox

  2. Thanks for sharing. It looks like a great time! Love you guys! Hi to all of you in KY from good ole SI!!!!!!
