
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Wrap Up

Well, for a girl that kept telling people I had no Memorial Day weekend plans besides Morgan's graduation (a little, 'Woe Is ME' like, now that I think about it), we sure as hell managed to fill this weekend to the brim with random holiday weekend appropriate activities.  And since I have nothing else to talk about, let me run through them for you. You care about this stuff, right?  A rambling list of things I did this weekend?  No?  Fine. I will add a couple pictures of the kids too.  Just for you.

Friday: Both Nick and I were let out of work early (A perk of University work) and so we caught a matinee of Men In Black 3.  You guys, I seriously loved that movie. I am not even embarrassed to admit it.  I love Men In Black, and I am PROUD!  It made me laugh out loud several times, it stayed true to the first two movies and it almost sorta made me want to tear up at the end, but I mean, you can't cry in MEN IN BLACK, so I held it together. All in all, a great summer movie and totally worth seeing.  After the early movie we went out to dinner just the two of us because Henry was spending the night with Nanny and Papaw.  Even though we had a babysitter we were back home by 8pm.  We are wild and crazy like that.

Saturday: Saturday was totally consumed with Graduation and post graduation festivities, which you got to see yesterday.  Good times were had with lots of friends.  I give the day two thumbs up.

Sunday: Nick and I are on the hunt for a swing set for Henry for his birthday.  The grandparents all went in to help pay for it (Thanks grandparents!) So we spent part of the morning out shopping for a wooden set.  We think we have settled on a very basic but high quality set that may not be as cool looking as some of the others, but that will last for his entire childhood.  After the shopping fun  we went to a local park that has some trails around a small stream.  The three of us went 'hiking' on the trails and the boys fished. I took pictures.  Good times were had. That gets it's own post tomorrow, because some of the pictures are really great, but they are at home on my camera.  After the outdoors fun we came home and grilled out with Boo and our friend Andy.  You know what is good?  Grilled vegetable kabobs.  Also, grilled corn on the cob.  Also, grilled BBQ Chicken wings.  I was a fan of that meal. After dinner we sat around on the patio and drank some beer we found in the fridge while the kids played in the water hose.  It was Memorial Weekend at it's best.

Monday: Monday we eventually got up and moving (Henry kept telling me "Henry don't WANT to get up. Henry needs ten more sleeps!") and decided to go to the pool!  What Memorial Day weekend is complete without a trip to the pool?  Not this one!
Henry had some issues with getting sun screen in his eyes (anybody have a good baby sun screen that doesn't burn the eyes? I feel like we always have this issue. My boy has some sensitive eyes.) but once he got to put on Mama's shades he felt better. He was a little overwhelmed with the splashing and the crowds and the OMG, IT'S AWFULLY LOUD IN HERE, but in the end he had a great time playing on the steps and dumping water on Cici's head.
Cici: An adorable ladybug who is very serious about plotting her revenge.

After the pool we went back out swing set shopping (we are nothing if not thorough) then headed over to Nick's dad's to check out the new house and help unpack boxes. After that we went out to a family dinner with Grandaddy, Val and Aunt Candice, then headed home for the night.

 All in all, and awesome long weekend. I just need a day or two off work to catch my breath.


  1. Sounds like a fun filled weekend!!

  2. We use the Aveeno baby stick on my son's face. Coppertone always ran into his eyes and made them very puffy and when we were at the beach last year where we used sunscreen everyday he got really puffy red gunky eyes and I thought he had gotten pink eye but come to find out it was just the sunscreen. We have used the aveeno baby stick since and have had NO problems with it running or irritating his eyes. It's super thick so it should work well for Henry!

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!

    Hasn't Cici grown too? Bless her, how does she like being a big sister? xx
