
Friday, May 11, 2012

A Three Year Letter

**Henry's official 3rd birthday is Sunday, so that is when I will post his photo slideshow. Come by and check it out if you have time.  Let me know if it makes you cry, or if that's just his mother.**

Dear Henry,

You are so big now.  I know later, in a year or two or ten, I will look back and think of how tiny you still were in this moment.  that I could still hold you in my arms, that I could still tuck you in at night.  But to me, you seem to have grown into your own person in this last year.  You have thoughts and opinions on everything around you.  You have this amazing sense of humor and  you love to make people laugh.  You have a kindness inside of you that makes you care about everyone that surrounds you.  Somehow, it has all become clear in this year, between two years old and three, that you are your own Henry.  And what am amazing little boy you are turning out to be.
Three Year Pictures
You are constantly on the go, always wanting to play.  You love being outside.  It is your favorite place.  On the swings, the slide, riding your 'motorcyle', you don't care what we do, as long as it is out doors.  You are amazing how you play pretend.  You build towers and bridges, castles and forts.  You tell us what your angry birds think and say.  You tell us when your stuffed caterpillar is hungry.  they are all very real to you, and so they are real to us too.  You love reading books and beg us to read to you constantly.  At bed time you hold up one finger and will say "Please!  Just ONE MORE!" You love playing video games.  Maybe I should be embarrassed to tell you that, but it's true.  At three years old you already play video games and  you are amazingly good at them!  To be honestly, you are already better than  your mama.
Three Year Pictures
You love your family.  Your grandparents, aunts and uncles, and of course your cousin Cici.  You and Cici are together all the time and have so much fun playing and going crazy.  You are two balls of energy that adore being together!  You really love being with all of your family.  You are constantly asking where they are and when we can see them again.  We are so lucky to be surrounded by so many people who love you.
Three Year Pictures
Last year you really weren't talking much yet, but that has changed over the last twelve months.You talk all the time!  I am amazed at what comes out of your mouth.  Smart, thoughtful sentences that sound much too old for a three year old.  We will walk into the room and you will say  "Mama, I am glad to see you!".  It warms my heart.  You count and know your alphabet, which you love to sing for us.  You know all your shapes and colors, yelling out things like "mama!  That's a red Octagon!" when we pass a stop sign.  You are very interested in reading and math.  Wanting to know what two numbers ad up to, or always asking "what's that spell??" when you see a sign with words.  You are like a sponge, soaking up any piece of knowledge we share with you.  When we tell you an answer, like two plus two equals four, you say "That's RIGHT, MAMA!  THAT'S RIGHT!"
Three Year Pictures
It's funny when I think of you reading these letters someday.  Will you ever be interested in yourself at three years old? Will you even want to know what your mama thought of you at that age? Will you just assume that I spend the entire letter telling you how you are perfect in every way?  Will you roll your eyes at me, your silly mama, as I go on and on about your love of Angry Birds and The Very Hungry Caterpillar?  Maybe.  Probably.  But I will write you every year, just the same.  Because it feels like somewhere it should be documented, this love we have for you.  How amazing you are.  How absolutely perfect in every way.  And your birthday feels like the time to tell you. 
Three Year Pictures
Happy birthday, my sweet boy.  We love you so.



  1. Definitely, most definitely, worth writing about!

  2. Oh, Sarah...his "love cup" is full and running over!!!! Blessings!!

  3. He's so grown up! Happy birthday, sweet boy.
