
Monday, May 21, 2012

Tips for Octopus Hunting

Nick went on his annual boys fishing trip this weekend, so Henry and I were on our own.  Actually, Friday night he stayed this night with his Nana, so I was totally on my own.  Crazy stuff, that is.  We stayed home and relaxed and basically did nothing at all.  Well...except for going on an octopus hunt.  Henry is an excellent Octopus hunter.  Here are a few tips he wanted me to pass on to you.
Summer 2012
 Always send out a scout to find the lay of the land. Angry Bird was ready and willing, although he took a lot of enemy fire in the process...
 Summer 2012
Go in fully loaded. The WORST mistake would be running out of ammo at a critical moment.
 Summer 2012
Watch your Back while reloading. Those Octopi are tricky creatures.
 Summer 2012
Shoot for the eyes. They are the weak point.

Now... at this point I wish I had a picture of him in hand to hand combat with the octopus. Wouldn't that be an excellent shot and make this post a little more complete? Except... he was sorta too afraid to ever get close enough to run by him, preferring to stay on the perimeter and shoot from just out of Octopus water shooting range. So Mama put down the camera and helped with the hunting, jumping in and taming the evil octopus, grabbing all eight arms and holding them down so the hunter could see they were not too scary after all. Mama actually got completely soaked and our hunter became much more brave seeing Mama in the middle of the Octopus attack.

You will just have to trust me. The hunt was a great success.

 Summer 2012
Our successful hunter, After the kill.  A very proud boy.


  1. That thing looks fun! My daughter saw it and said "WHAT'S THAT?!"

  2. Looks like fun! Glad the water play thing came in handy for the hunt :). Arielle
