
Monday, June 4, 2012

Papaw's Birthday Celebration

A Very Important Papaw has a birthday today...
 And as you know, you must celebrate such a fabulous Papaw whenever possible, Papaw's Birthday
so yesterday we headed to the farm for grilling out, cake and apparently party hats.
 Papaw's Birthday
Two grandbabies in particular were thrilled to celebrate the day their Papaw was born.
 Papaw's Birthday
As you can see, Nick was really in to the party hats.
 Papaw's Birthday
I realize my dad isn't looking here, but come on. Great Nana AND Trinity have on a party hat, and my mom looks adorable. How could I not post it?
Papaw's Birthday
Henry enjoying his first solo ice cream cone with Aunt Mimi. He never really got the hang of eating the cone.  He just asked for refills on the ice cream once it got too low to eat. 
Papaw's Birthday
Cici says "I take my ice cream cone eating VERY SERIOUSLY"
Papaw's Birthday
We love you lots and lots Papaw.  Happy Birthday!

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