
Monday, June 25, 2012


This weekend we went out to Waveland, a local historical site/park area, to check out for a potential location for Cici's 2nd birthday party next month.  I know, right?  How is Cici still only one year old.  Like, time flies and all that, but that girl seems WAY older than one. Maybe it's how well she talks, but this girl seems wise beyond her year(s). 

ANYWAY, we met Boo, Chris and Cici out for dinner in the picnic area to see if the shade was enough to allow for a late July party.  What we discovered is that we don't really care for any of the side dishes from KFC.  Good to know. Also, the place is super nice. I took lots of pictures.  Wanna see?
being outside leads to amazing discoveries of things like green bugs that look just like leaves. Nature, it is amazing.
There was a tiny play house, which they seemed to really enjoy. Also, there was a play ground, but those things are a dime a dozen. You don't want to see that, right? Good because I forgot to take pictures of it.
We did find this door that was oddly appealing.
I mean, it's a pretty good door, am I right?
I couldn't stop with pictures of the door. I can't explain it. Except by saying "look how awesome these door pictures are.  I am a photography genius" (just let me believe it)
After we broke away from the door and it's addictive qualities we headed to the flower garden. Unfortunately there was a large outside wedding happening right by the gardens so we moved away pretty quickly. Also, it is sorta funny to see how pinterest is influencing weddings and parties now. Like you look at decorations and think "Yeah... you got that idea on pinterest". It's like a pinterest epidemic. It's the most awesome of all the epidemics
After quickly leaving the wedding area (which was hard for me. WEDDINGS! I LOVE THEM!) we decided to take a hike on the little trail. And guess what we found?
A grave yard! For some people, this might seem creepy, but Nick and I have an odd love of old grave yards so we were legitimately excited.
we then moved on from the graves and enjoyed the rest of the short trail. Nice, right?
The kids had such a great time and I am so happy with some of the pictures.  Yes, they are holding hands playing with a beam of light.  (PHOTOGRAPHIC GENIUS!)  (full disclosure, Nick took this picture.)
Doesn't it look like Henry is being beamed up to the mother ship? That isn't a picture you get everyday.

So all in all Waveland was a great time.  And yet I worry that this post along with our recent fishing post would almost make you think we are outdoor kind of people.... which I feel compelled to tell you is not really true.  Maybe I should post more pictures of us laying on the couch reading and watching TV, just so I don't feel like I am lying. We really do like air conditioning about 99% of the time. We just seem to take more pictures during that eventful 1% spent in the great outdoors!


  1. You KILL me :)

    I love the door - I am just the same - I was so bossy on Friday with my camera at work. "Stand in front of that awesome wall,. what about standing therem, look this way, no that way" - I'm sure they were glad when I put it away...

    Also, love the science fiction pics of Henry being beamed up. You're right - priceless :)

    And best? that we think you're outdoorsy!

    People may think that about me too - confession, I just take tons of outdoors pics because they're good outside and I haven't figured out the lighting bits for inside!

  2. We love Waveland! We had e's 1st bday party there last year and may go back this year. Also, you know, to further encourage your love of door pictures, the bathroom door is great for pics. I know, I know, it's a bathroom. But, seriously, we've gotten some of the cutest pics of our boys with that bathroom door. The front door is also great. I may have a Waveland (photos) addiction.

  3. LOVE the pictures!!! and am secretly jealous of your special door...)))

  4. When I saw this the other day I wanted to let you know you're not the only ones who love graveyards. The first time Tim took me home to meet his parents his mum suggested he take me for a walk in the local cemetery!! Tim loves walking around looking at old graves and we even walked around the local crematorium when Oscar was only a few weeks old. The strangest thing about that was that there were loads of chickens wandering around the grounds!!
