
Monday, July 23, 2012

Emily and Josh Get Married!

So Nick and I had a big wedding this weekend! Does it seem like we go to a lot of weddings?  I seem to blog about our regular wedding attendance more than the average mommy blogger.  But maybe that's because you all attend your weddings and don't feel the need to take exactly one billion pictures.  To each their own, I guess.

Emily and Josh's Wedding
My cousin Emily got married this weekend, and it was wonderful! How adorable are they?
 Emily and Josh's Wedding
So we got to the ceremony, and I went to turn on my camera, and nothing happened. I hit the "on" button exactly 12,325,674 times and still... I got nothing. It was dead. So all these pictures were taken with my cell phone, because the idea of NOT taking pictures was completely out of the question. Look at these two, I needed to photograph them!
Emily and Josh's Wedding
Everything about this wedding was so beautiful. The church, the reception, the bride. Really, it was all awesome.
Emily and Josh's Wedding
The cake. Also beautiful. And all the food was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Emily and Josh's Wedding
The Grooms cake was from Dr. Who, which according to a guy from my work who likes that show, is awesome.
Emily and Josh's Wedding
Me and Nick were thre. We looked pretty sharp.
Emily and Josh's Wedding
 As did my adorable parents
Emily and Josh's Wedding
And other members of my (also adorable) family
Emily and Josh's Wedding
I don't know if you remember, but a couple of years ago I told you about my cousin who passed away in a terrible accident. That was Daniel, Emily's brother. And he was very present in the moment of his big sisters amazing day.
Emily and Josh's Wedding
Seeing the family this happy, it was good for my heart.
 Emily and Josh's Wedding
The bride and groom with on their first dance
 Emily and Josh's Wedding
My Uncle Danny and his baby girl
Emily and Josh's Wedding
The retreiving of the garter. How cute is she?
 Emily and Josh's Wedding
Congratulations Emily and Josh! It was a beautiful day and we were so happy to be a part of it.


  1. You look beautiful and yes, the Tardis cake from Doctor Who is awesome.

  2. That groom's cake is the best thing ever.
    I have to think you've run into friends of mine at some wedding - they also go to weddings CONSTANTLY.
    The rest of us just must not be as popular as you!
