
Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Read for you by Henry)

So you know when parents get really excited about some random thing their kid does, like... say...memorize and recite an entire book in their adorable three year old voice... and they film it because in their head they think that EVERYONE IN THE WORLD WILL WANT TO WITNESS THE AWESOMENESS OF MY CHILD?  Yeah?  That.

I mean, come on. The boy just turned three. It's pretty awesome. And adorable. And for the record, we hadn't like, JUST read the book. I mean, we most likely read it the day before, because 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' is, BY FAR, his favorite book, so we read it pretty much everyday. But without prompting, the entire thing is in his sweet little head. He amazes me.

Also, you may notice I switched to youtube. I have to admit it, it is just more user friendly than Vimeo and it works on mobile devices. So NOW you can watch Henry reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar (by Eric Carle) while on the go!

**We are heading on vacation this afternoon. I. Cannot. Wait. As is my usual vacation routine, expect beach pictures to be posted throughout the week, with no actual thought provoking blogging occurring until I return. What? Sometimes I have thought provoking blog posts around here. I am sure of it.


  1. I had never actually read that book (I know, right? It's like everywhere.) So thank you, Henry! That was fabulous :)

  2. So cute! Have a great time on your trip and be safe!!

  3. That was beyond adorable! "Still hungry!!!!!" - my favorite part. It's E's favorite book, too :) Happy vacation!

  4. Go Henry! That is one of my favorite (children's) books too!
