
Tuesday, August 7, 2012


South Carolina Post 2!:

Okay, so I don't know if any of you have ever been to Greenville, South Carolina, but it is seriously an adorable town. Or city. Nick tells me it's a city. But when you are in their downtown, it has this hometown, southern feel with it's tiny little shops and brick covered streets, and it's just awesome. I love it! Which works out well for me because we are there visiting family a couple times a year. And when we go, if we can work in the time, we like to go down and see their bridge at Falls Park.  It's pretty impressive.
South Carolina 2012
I think this is the first time we have been down there since Henry was a year old, so he really enjoyed running across it this time!
South Carolina 2012
It was Nicole and Nieems first big trip to SC, I think they were fans of downtown
South Carolina 2012
 I have been trying to get a good picture of the three of them together for their Mama for a very long time. All three looking good with their hometown in the background... mission accomplished!
South Carolina 2012
Candice and I were actually staying in different houses in South Carolina (I was with Mawmaw, she was with Matt and Blair) so when she walked in to head downtown it was a little awkward with the 'Oh.... we are sorta... yeah. Twins.' In hind sight, I clearly could have changed because MY suitcase was still on the premises, but it never occurred to me. Now I think we look pretty cute!
 South Carolina 2012
Sweet Nicole with a shot of the actual bridge in the background and not just pictures taken FROM the bridge. Next time (in another year or two) I will take a picture of the actual full bridge in all it's glory, because it is really nice.  Oh, well... HERE is a link! ( Crazy technology these days.  No need two wait two years for me to take the picture!)
South Carolina 2012
Candice. Just because it makes me laugh.
South Carolina 2012
An actual picture with no people in it. Rare for me.
South Carolina 2012
If I were to make a coffee table book, it would be called "Pictures of people walking away" because I seem to LOVE this shot. I take it every single place we go. This is Chris, Nicole and Nieem, but since our families look a lot alike, it was rather surprising for some people on facebook when they thought Henry was that tall...

So, there you go.  Pictures of our trip downtown.  We also walked around, got lunch at a little local place that was very good, and had an all around great day. But I took no pictures of that, so it just gets to be a footnote. 

footnote: Good Times were had.  The End.


1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, I think Greenville needs a travel blogger to visit! Looks like a lovely place. Tell Candice I can tell she has been to Target - I think I recognize those shoes!
