
Monday, August 6, 2012

Engagement Parties, aka: A Reason for me to Take More Pictures

Hi! We are back!

I forgot to tell you we were leaving town, didn't I? Sorry about that.

 Well we went to South Carolina this weekend, and I am happy to report that we are now home safe and sound. Although it rained so ridiculously hard on the way home that it was rather terrifying for little me, behind the wheel. At one point I was passing a huge semi and all of a sudden the car started to hydroplane, and the hydroplane light started flashing at me, which... really Toyota? You think you need a light? You don't think people KNOW when they are hydroplaning? Because trust me... I KNEW.

Anyway, back on target.  South Carolina! We went and it was great! So great that it looks like it will take three posts to cover it in full around these parts. I know, THREE PARTS.  But the pictures... they must be shared! Are you excited?  Bored already?  Whatever!  Let's get started!  Up first, the party:
So we actually made the trip  for Nick's cousin Kelsey's engagement party.  This is one of those events that makes you stop and think how times manages to move so fast.  When I met Kelsey she was little.  I mean, not a baby, but a young child for sure.  I want to say she was six or seven.  Small enough to where I could kinda carry her around or have her sit on my lap.  She was the baby cousin.  And now...

South Carolina 2012
Kelsey and Thomas. Adorable and somehow all grown up. 

As an added bonus for this wedding,  someone pretty special is going to be the ring bearer ...

South Carolina 2012
seriously, how cute will he be all dressed up? And when did he get so big?  Doesn't he look old here?
South Carolina 2012
So the engagement party was wonderful. Awesome food, adorable set up, games, music, laughing together... it was awesome. 
South Carolina 2012
Kelsey's brother Matt flew in from California to help celebrate. Here he is with his girlfriend Blair, who fits in so well with the family that it is no longer up to Matt if they stay together. The family decided.. she is a keeper.
South Carolina 2012
Uncle Chris and Mawmaw enjoying the patio at the party
 South Carolina 2012
Nana and Grandpa were there of course, which is always very exciting for a little boy
South Carolina 2012
Bubbles with Aunt Candice. Good times
 South Carolina 2012
Erika pointed out on Facebook how much he looks like me here. For real, he does, right?? He has some of his Mama in him!
 South Carolina 2012
Me and Nick. That South Carolina humidity might have had an effect on my hair...
South Carolina 2012
the bride and her ring bearer, having fun after the sun went down.
 South Carolina 2012
Mawmaw and her girls
 South Carolina 2012
 Nana and Grandpa
South Carolina 2012
family time (me playing with my camera in the dark)
South Carolina 2012
Kelsey and her proud Mama and Daddy. Miss Kelsey, if this weekend was any indication, your wedding will be incredible. We can't wait! xo


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