
Friday, August 10, 2012

The Fire House

Soo....I know I got a little distracted yesterday what with the 'OH GOD, HE IS ALONE AND KINDA SORTA GETTING CLOSE TO THE STREET' panic that was yesterdays post and I sorta forgot that I was in the middle of a three part series on pictures from South Carolina.  Sorry about that! But today we are back on track! Aren't you excited?  Or did you like the mild panic attack post better?  I never know what you all want to read.... panic with a heavy dose of Mommy guilt or nice adorable pictures of our boy? This week you get it ALL!

ANYWAY, while we were in South Carolina Nana and Grandpa mentioned that we might be able to take Henry and Nieem over to the small town fire station that is located on the same block as the engagement party.  I didn't think much of it until Grandpa came up to me at the party and said "I went to ask the firemen if we could bring the kids by.  They said they would bring the truck to the party, but I figured it was better to just walk down there..."

Could you imagine if the fire truck had rolled up at the party?  And they were like "No... it's not an emergency, Henry's Grandpa just thought he would like it!"  I mean, I am always one for focusing on my boy, but this time I agreed that it was best we just went there on our own and didn't like, take over the party with fire fighting fun.

South Carolina 2012

So we walk down to the station and I am expecting them to be like, "Yep... there's the fire truck" but man, they went all out!  They pulled the truck out they could really see it, got out all the parts, told them what each section was for, showed them the ladder tuck, dressed them up in the firemen outfits... IT. WAS. AWESOME.

South Carolina 2012
Henry, taking the wheel
South Carolina 2012
I really like the Nieem put on his seat belt.
South Carolina 2012
 Grandpa was pretty in to the tour as well... you never outgrow a fire truck
 South Carolina 2012
This picture of Nieem will make me laugh until the end of time. Doesn't he look like an Umpa Lumpa? I don't even know how he could stand with all of this on!
 South Carolina 2012
Henry trying on the hat and boats with a little help from Grandpa
South Carolina 2012
If you look close you can see Henry's driving and Nieem is riding shotgun.

When we said thanks and thanks and thanks again for an awesome tour they said it wasn't a big deal. That they would much rather give the kids a tour than just sit around watching TV. I am not sure all firemen would agree, but we are so grateful these guys took the time to make it a neat experience for our boys.



  1. That's so cool! We live not too far from a fire station and have been passing by there with our toddler a few times recently hoping for a little peek inside (and maybe even a tour, but no idea if the French fire fighters are as cool as the American ones to do that kind of thing), but every time all the doors are closed! So disappointing...

  2. I talked to a fireman and said they love giving tours! So, if all seems fine in the neighborhood, knock on the door and ask. They will probably do it. Good times.
