
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Day at the Pumpkin Patch

So I know my last post is all about how sick Henry was on Friday night, and now I am going to post a ton of pictures from the pumpkin patch on Saturday. And I bet you are like "I thought he was sick??"

 On Saturday afternoon I would have said "Man, this kid can boot and rally!" but on Sunday I would have hung my head in shame and told you that we POSSIBLY pushed him into doing too much too soon. The boy was awake a total of seven hours on Sunday. The rest of the day he slept. And if we asked if he was okay he would say 'My tummy is really tired...".  It was pretty pitiful.

 But we didn't know that on Saturday! Saturday was a simple day of fun at the patch! Want to see?
 Fall 2012
Don't they look excited?? (The really did have fun. I swear)
Fall 2012
See, FUN! Especially when Papa lets you stand on a pumpkin!
 Fall 2012
Or when you play in the little playhouse
 Fall 2012
Or feed the goats!
 Fall 2012
Or ride a pony!!
Fall 2012
Seriously, they have PONIES at the pumpkin patch... could it get cooler??
 Fall 2012
 Oh yeah, we also picked pumpkins. A key to a successful trip to the patch.
Fall 2012
"I have decided I want all of these..."
 Fall 2012
"It's just so hard to decide.."
Fall 2012
The Bio Girl family
 Fall 2012
Boo, Chris and Cici, also in the giant chair
 Fall 2012

All in all, a good day at the patch.
