
Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my birthday!  And I have had some very special people sing to me already.

The best 22 seconds of my morning.

Followed by the best 29 seconds...

 It's been a really good minute of a birthday that  has already been great.  I have celebrated with two great birthday dinners this week and tonight we have family in town from South Carolina and Los Angeles so it will be an awesome couple of days.  I can't wait!

So happy birthday to me. For my birthday, you can leave me a comment if you like telling me something along the lines of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  YOUR BLOG IS AMAZING!"  (or just "happy bday" will do fine).  Maybe I will get one million comments (or maybe like 20) and it will make my birthday even better!

**Thank you so much for my sweet comments on my last post.  They mean more to me than I can say.  Things are going very well.  Your support and prayers are truly appreciated by my entire family.**


  1. Happy birthday, Sarah! Have a WONDERFUL birthday weekend!

  2. How could it not be a GREAT day when it started with those 2 sweet faces!?!

    Happy Birthday, Sarah!

  3. Happy Birthday! Hope every minute is as fantastic as the first! :)

  4. Happy Birthday my sweet niece. Love, C & C

  5. Joyeux anniversaire chère Sarah!! Have a wonderful day! Those kids are adorable and yes, your blog posts always put a smile on my face!

  6. Happy birthday! I've been reading your blog for so long, but have never commented for some weird reason. I really enjoy reading your posts!

  7. Happy Birthday! You had the greatest birthday treats from those two gorgeous lovelies :) how sweet xx

  8. Happy Birthday! I hope it was a great one!
