
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nieem's Minecraft 8th Birthday Bash!

This past weekend we got to celebrate our nephew Nieem's 8th birthday! His mom and Chris had him an amazing Minecraft themed party, which was absolutely incredible!  I don't really know a lot about Minecraft except for what Nieem has told me (It's REALLY AWESOME, and SO SO FUN and you can make snowmen, but they are square, but that's okay because EVERYTHING is square.), but even I could tell this party was pretty great
NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
 The birthday boy with his  Minecraft t-shirt and his gold sword. How sweet is this boy?
NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
Apparently in the game minecraft you collect items like diamonds, sticks and string, then you can take them to a shop and trade them in for items. So Nicole had a scavenger hunt in the back yard (Here is Henry finding a diamond. SCORE! )...
NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
Then she had a shop set up inside where they could trade in their scavenger hunt treasures for awesome items. Like this torch...
NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
 Or this diamond sword.
 NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
Henry really liked his sword.
 NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
Then the kids got to attack this... thing. It's something to do with Minecraft. I am sure of that... a Minecraft monster? I think he is pretty important to the game.
NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
The Minecraft monster was no match for a group of 8 year olds with swords and torches. Really nobody would have stood a chance.
NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
They also had pinata, which is always awesome. (and will sometimes land you on America's Funniest Home Videos, which I might watch too often because it was all I could think of when the kids started swinging that stick, but everyone at the party was safe and the pinata was great)
NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
Henry liked it a lot (The pinata was too heavy to stay tied up, hence it sitting on the grill)
 NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
Pinata madness!
 NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
They had other adorable decorations, which I will share just in case you are looking at this post because you googled 'Minecraft Birthday Craft Ideas'. Hello there! I doubt you are even reading, but if you are, welcome to Bio Girl!
NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
Minecraft is all done in blocks, so this is exactly what a tree looks like in the game. So cute.
NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
Kinda creepy with the red eyes, but awesome!  They had several and are leaving them up for Halloween. 
 NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
Steve, the pinata mask
 NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
Birthday cake
 NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
Can you tell that Nieem loved it??
 NIeem's Minecraft Birthday
 Just a good shot of our family. I sorta love it
 NIeem's Minecraft Birthday

And a final one of the birthday boy with Chris and Nicole. Adorable!

 Happy Birthday to Nieem!!

Great job to Nicole and Chris. Is was all perfect and we loved being a part of it!


  1. If only my son was young enough still for birthday parties like this--I would SOOO do this for him!! He Loves Minecraft--I will def show him this post!

    That thing is a Creeper. How wonderfully creative!

  2. We are so happy Henry was feeling well enough to come! Thank you for the adorable post. <3

  3. Ww, I'm totally excited to plan my sons birthday now with all these cool ideas. Great job!
