Since my mind is consumed with family stuff and and these photos, so I am just going to cop out of any real post today. Rather than ramble on about how you feel about us all wearing different shades of the brown family ( too much brown or complementary and yet not matching?? TIME AND PHOTOGRAPHY WILL TELL! ) I will show you some random pictures from a picnic last week... also at Waveland, because apparently we are addicted to that historical site. I am not there (work. annoying) but Henry was and the pictures are adorable. And I enjoy posting enjoyable things on my blog. So enjoy the enjoyable pictures.

Seriosuly. how sweet are they?


The girls. Missy meeting baby Quinn.

Someone is amazed with Nanny's witch hat cookies!

I think everyone needs a place with a miniature log cabin playhouse

Waveland, we like you. We will see you again on Saturday. We will be the family in brown.

We love Waveland as well! We've had I don't know how many family pics taken there and they alway turn out great :)