
Friday, November 16, 2012

Family Photos

Do you remember when I mentioned a few weeks ago that I wanted to have family pictures made? And how I was running around like crazy buying clothes and getting it set up and was worried if all wearing shades of browns was too BROWN? Turns out it wasn't too brown. Turns out it was kinda awesome because these pictures came out better than I ever could have hoped.

Wanna see?
Waveland 2012
Our family out at Waveland
 Waveland 2012
Around my favorite Red Door
 Waveland 2012
A different, but also lovely, Red Door
 Waveland 2012
They also have a Red Barn which makes for nice pictures.  My parents and their three girls.
 Waveland 2012
The Sisters
Waveland 2012
The boys
 Waveland 2012
My sweet parents
 Waveland 2012
Possibly my favorite picture ever
 Waveland 2012
Followed closely by this gem
Waveland 2012
 Waveland 2012
The babies
 Waveland 2012
My boys
I know wearen't paying attention, but I like this one
Waveland 2012
The Bio Girl Family.  Henry was a little under the weather (shakes fist at Pre-school plague) but I he still looks pretty adorable
Waveland 2012
He just gave up on smiling pretty early on. Still cute with the grandbabies
Waveland 2012
Boo Chris and Sweet Cici
 Waveland 2012
Sisters again
Waveland 2012
Waveland 2012
It was a great day.
Waveland 2012
Thanks so much to my amazing Aunt Donna for capturing it for us.

(If you want to see MORE of the pictures, you can click on any of these and it will take you to my flickr account where you can look through even more.  I have the other 360 at home on a disc, and they are all pretty stinking great too!  )


  1. Aww what a beautiful family!!! Love the pictures!!!

  2. These are great family photos! What an awesome array of leaves you found! And your legs look super skinny, so good for you! :)

  3. gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. yOu must have some super persuasive skills to get everyone so agreeable :)

    I like the non-paying attention one the best :)

    Boo is looking fabulous - what's her secret??? (seriously)

  4. How I love Waveland. The pics are great!!

  5. These are all so beautiful and adorable! Looks like you had a wonderful day (I love that you used the Red Door again!)
