
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat

So Halloween happened and it was awesome. Want to see?

(you know when I start a post with such a catchy title and gripping intro that I most likely worked REALLY hard on it and that the pictures flow in a nice story like fashion with cleaver captions, right?)

(This post is a jumbled mess of Halloween. Enjoy!)
Halloween 2012
Our Very Hungry Caterpillar and Minny Mouse are ready to go out and knock on strangers doors for candy!
Halloween 2012
Did I mention it's kinda cold here? And also rainy? Yeah. Makes for fun trick or treating. Especially when a caterpillar refused any sort of coat. "No I just wear my caterpillar".  No worries, he has on three shirts and two pair of pants under that costume.  He was toasty.
Halloween 2012
SpongeBob, A cat and Minny all ready to head out.  They are a family committed to the costumes on Halloween.  Nick and I need to step up our game next year...
 Halloween 2012
Our trick or treating party was joined in by the Aunts too! Here's Aunt Mimi with Nick and Minny Mouse
 Halloween 2012
Aunt Candice with the Caterpillar
 Halloween 2012
and Cici with her Aunt Gayla
 Halloween 2012
Oh, and there was a Nanny there too :) It was a trick or treating party.

Halloween 2012
Here are me and Aunt Candice looking cold but cute
 Halloween 2012
and one of Nick enjoying some apple cider with his strong hand.
 Halloween 2012
 The kids were so AWESOME at trick or treat this year! They went right up to the door and would yell 'TRICK or TREAT!"
Halloween 2012
 Except for sometimes when Henry got confused and simply yelled "I NEED CAAAAANDY!!!!"
Halloween 2012
 It didn't really matter what they said. Everyone thought they were so cute, they couldn't help but give them each several pieces.  Then when they were like "Is dad SKITTLES??" they would get a bag of those too.  Our neighbors are defenseless to their charms.
Halloween 2012
I am sure the 'children' will really enjoy the neighbors generosity!

I hope you all had a great Halloween!  And to everyone in Sandy's path, I hope you just had a warm night with electricity. You are in my thoughts and prayers.  To make you feel better, here is a picture of a caterpillar riding a penny pony at the grocery store.
Halloween 2012
Do you feel at least a little better?



  1. Fabulous pictures as always :)

  2. We love the Sandy pony! But a caterpillar on a pony, that's pretty hilarious!

  3. I almost spit my drink out when I saw Nick's strong hand. Great pictures!!
