So without further stalling for time, I give you THE BEST OF BIO GIRL 2012!
- To start us off, here is maybe my favorite post of the year, and my submission for the Creme de la Creme 2012, about finding peace in Henry being an only child.
- A post about my valentine. He really is an pretty great guy.
- Here is a sweet one about our little shadow. Man, I love this kid.
- Then he turned three, so he got his annual letter and his picture slideshow.
- Oh and of course he got his Angry Bird Birthday Bash.
- And while at that party, this humorous story about balls occurred.
- Another snapshot in time of Henry. I know these posts are sappy but I love them.
- A random post about applying to my Masters program and finding the practical knowledge gained from Twitter. It made me laugh.
- Missy turned 30 this year. It was a really good day.
- Here is a funny one about Henry's great confession (and his sweet heart).
- Here is my post for Infertility Awareness Week. I think it's pretty good.
- Oh, a post about my little Olympian in training and my new favorite memory from watching the games.
- I totally forgot about Henry maybe possibly getting abducted by aliens...
- Our Florida vacation happened and was awesome. Pictures were taken, slideshows were made.
- Here is a post where I tell you about Tickle Bug, who is still alive and well around here.
- Debating the difference in baby and big boy.
- What life looks like when Henry is in charge.
- A post where it is brought to my attention that I am getting old.
- Henry had his first day of school, which turns out was harder on Mama than on Henry.
- I tackled a Bob Ross painting... and took my inlaws down with me.
- Not a great post of words, but the pictures are some of my favorite ever.
- A lesson in how NOT to cool down a hot electric skillet.
- Now that a little time has passed I can see that our Bad Santa experience is pretty funny...
- And we will end the year with our Christmas slideshow!

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