
Monday, December 31, 2012

The Best of Bio Girl 2012

This is the sixth year I posted a 'Best of Bio Girl' on New Years Eve (here are 2007, 2008 , 2009 , 2010 and 2011 if you want to spend the next several hours reading the best of six years of Bio Girl blogging... you do, right??) Once again I am going to create a nice list of posts in no particular order (except in time order, because that is kinda how I find them) from the past year. I don't know if you all read them, but I enjoy finding them. It's been a year of ups and downs around these parts, but I am going to choose to focus on the good.  It is better for my soul.

 So without further stalling for time, I give you THE BEST OF BIO GIRL 2012!

Wow.  That's a lot of posts. I should go trim it down.  But I doubt I will get to that.  It's just more Bio Girl for you to enjoy!  Is anybody even still reading?  If you are, then let me say thanks!  Thanks for reading this post until the end, and thanks for reading in general.  It truly means so much to me.  I will see you in 2013!

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