When I started reading Jen Lancaster's Here I Go Again I was automatically hooked. An annoying High School mean girl seems to have finally had her luck run out, right at the time of her high school reunion, and everything seems to be blowing up in her face. What could be wrong with a story like that?? It was an easy and fast beginning and I honestly enjoyed it from the first few pages. But then I got to the part where the main character Lissy ends up being given the opportunity for a 'do over', sending her back in time to her high school days to set right all the things she did terribly wrong.
You guys. I LOVE THIS KIND OF STORY! My entire family has a deep love for those 'go back in time and change things to see what you did right/wrong/how good you really have it' kind of stories. The Family Man, YES. Mr. Destiny, YES. Thirteen going on Thirty, ABSOLUTELY. So when I tell you that I completely adored this book, know that it comes from a long standing love of time jumping, destiny changing nerdy addiction. And if you also love that kind of story, this book is PERFECT!
The story is a simple, easy read. Perfect for me right now. I read it in a couple of days, and my only wish was that it had lasted a little longer. I loved the characters, I loved the story, I loved the time travel. All around, this was one of my favorite BlogHer Book Club reads. You should check it out!
We will be discussing Here I Go Again over at BlogHer for the next few weeks. Come join the conversation!

Hi.. Long time stalker. My name is Jennifer and I have been reading your blog since you were pregnant win Henry. I was pregnant with my son Evan around the same time. True story...when I was pregnant with our 2nd baby, my husband chose the name Sarah. Since I didn't know anyone in 'real life' with that name, I automatically thought of you and said to my husband "I read a great blog by a girl named Sarah--she's funny, smart, and likes to read. And she's a self-proclaimed nerd like us!!" My husband thought I was nuts. But now we have a daughter named Sarah Elizabeth.
ReplyDeleteANYWAY!!! Have you read The Time Travelers Wife? I am currently reading it for the 15th time..absolutely love this book. Lots of science references, good love story, sad and funny in parts. Check out the reviews to see if it's one you'll like to read. I will look into the one you reviewed--love a good book recommendation!