
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Thank You

Thank you all for you sweet comments and constant support about Missy.  It has all been very heartbreaking.  It will continue to be heartbreaking forever and ever.  I don't know where to begin processing my emotions around this, or how to deal with the idea of her not always being here us.  I don't know what is the right thing to do or say.  I just know how much I love her, and how my life will never ever be the same.  And that is shattering.  The thought that one day my life will be missing one of it's most important pieces.

 For today I am just going to show you pictures from our New Years Eve together.  Because it was a good day. And we are holding on to every good day we have.
New Years Eve 2012
New Years Eve 2012
The babies, about to ring in the new year.

New Years Eve 2012
my amazing parents
 New Years Eve 2012
My Aunt Carole doing a luau dance (Did I mention we were playing board games? We were. My aunt doesn't just randomly luau in the dining room.)
 New Years Eve 2012
See? Games!
 New Years Eve 2012
In which Boo Danced like a ballerina while wearing Cici's tutu
 New Years Eve 2012
My dad
New Years Eve 2012
Mom and Missy

See, my heart feels just a little better.  Pictures (and time together) are good for my soul.



  1. My inner board game geek says Quelf!

    Anyway, I'm glad there are happy times among the hard times. looks like you guys had a fun New Year's Eve! And Henry and Cici? Adorable as always! I love when cousins are best friends!

  2. I didn't get to comment on your previous post but I wanted to tell you how much I feel heartbroken too about Missy. You are doing wonderfully, build as many good memories as you can, it won't be easy, it never is, I'm holding you and your family in my heart.

  3. I love your family so much and Missy has always held a special place in my heart (ever since that time we told that random guy on the street we were twins in Charleston and he believed us). I love her dearly and am so, so, heartbroken. I'm keeping everyone in my prayers.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your sister. I know it has been a long, hard battle. I honestly can't even fathom the idea of losing a sibling because the thought is too painful for my brain to try to process. Your sister and family will be in my prayers.

  5. Love seeing Missy smiling, thinking about you guys all the time.
