So Nick's cousin Kelsey is getting married in May. Actually, what is the etiquette on calling her my cousin? Is she ever my cousin? I mean, I have known her since she was (counts up years) seven years old. (freaks out a little because HOW IS SHE GETTING MARRIED?!?! I AM OLD) and I FEEL like she is my cousin, but I find it a little confusing if I call her my cousin, so I continue to go with "Nick's cousin". But then one day I got reprimanded by her brother for referring to him as Nick's cousin, because like, aren't we close enough to just be cousins by now?? Which....I have no idea... is that how it works?.... thoughts? Do you all call your extended in-laws your aunt/uncle/cousin since you can't call them your cousin-in-law?
Wow. Really off topic there. Let's start over.
So cousin Kelsey is getting married!
The sweet Bride and her Mama

And since we are so excited about her big day, her Aunt Sally (aka Nana to us) wanted to host her a Kentucky shower so we could celebrate!
My cleaver sister in law thought it might be fun to do it as a sleep over at my mother in laws house. Maybe so we could enjoy more time together, maybe so we could drink... hard to say which one was more of an idea motivator
Candice enjoying wine out of out of a Mickey Mouse glass... I feel confident my MIL has wine glasses, but Candice clearly wanted to keep it classy
I was all about this sleep over idea right up until it was time to leave our house, which was when I remembered that I am sorta a hermit right now and being around people scares me. Lucky for me, once I got there I remembered how much I love these ladies, and how lucky I am to be a part of their family. They are so amazing and supportive of me and all I am going through, I feel blessed to have them.

Three generations of Baugh ladies

The third generation (including the grandsons gals... obviously)

My mother in law made these adorable favors, because she is awesome. And she cooked a great dinner (and breakfast!), further supporting the previous claim of awesomeness.
The night was full of so many enjoyable things.

We did bridal shower stuff like this

We played games like this*

which were possibly made more enjoyable by this

We ate things like this

had moments like this...

and this...

and this.
We stayed up late laughing and talking and giving Kelsey all kinds of advice she really doesn't need because her and Thomas are already amazing, and will do excellent at this entire married life deal.
So all around, it was a pretty awesome idea. Great job Sally on hosting it! Great job Candice on thinking of having it be a sleep over. Great job Nicole on the games. Great job Kelsey on getting married so we had a reason to celebrate!
* I feel as if I should include more pictures from the toilet paper wedding dress game. Because they make me laugh. So we had five minutes, and there was one model and three dress makers on each team...

Blair getting the top of her dress made. We went with a halter design

Candice, clearly enjoying her bridal fitting

I would say we are three minutes in. Things are coming together on our team... (we have Brenda and Mawmaw, these two know how to make a toilet paper dress!). Also, my shirt.. I am not loving it's billowing nature in these pictures...

Four minutes in, they seem to believe they need more time...

But at five minutes we had had time to construct a veil, a train, and some nice floral accents... because apparently our team had excellent time management when toilet paper wedding dress constructing

But their team DID have time to put a beautiful toilet paper bow in her hair! Doesn't she look like she feels pretty??

Kelsey was the judge... I can't remember who won... I don't think it was important.
(It totally is important and it was us)
Happy Bridal Shower, Kelsey! We can't wait for the wedding!