
Friday, March 15, 2013

A Big Boy Bedroom-Outer Space Style

A few months before Christmas Henry really started complaining that he no longer liked his bed. He would lay there and say "I just don't like it Mama, I just don't! What can we do? Let's think..." *taps finger on chin to show how hard he is working to solve this terrible problem*.  His answer was always that he could just sleep with us, but Nick and I figured we might be able to come up with a better solution.

What we came up with was that he just might be ready for a big boy room! My parents wanted to get his bed for Christmas, so over our holiday break we took on the big boy bedroom upgrade project.  Let's look at pictures, shall we?

Before-The Forest Nursery (which you can see in true nursery form here):

Toddler Bed, adorable lamp, raccoon and bird on the, I loved this nursery.

Kinda, sorta, a full room shot. The Room is really small, so it is hard to photograph.  Also, YES he has a few toys, and that IS a giant TMNT blimp half cut off on the top of the left bookshelf.  It was Nick's when he was little (of course it was) 
A close up of the 'Henry' on the wall.  So sweet and baby like!

 And now, AFTER:
BOOM! Welcome to SPACE. (Those posters on the wall are from Nick's room when he was in school (of course they are) and are pictures from the Hubble telescope.
Do you see that moon up in the top corner? It's a light, and it has all the moon phases. It was really the start of the entire space room idea, and it is awesome. I want my own.
More of Nick's space posters making the shelves look cool
Angry Bird space calendar and actual NASA space shuttle shirt which I got from my online friends who actually works at NASA (Nick has one too. Of course)

And finally a close up of Henry on the wall in his big boy outer space bedroom. I can't believe he is big enough to need a big boy room, but man he sure does love it.