Google announced that they are shutting down GOOGLE READER.
Nothing has made me feel like I am holding on to a sinking ship with blogging as the idea that google no longer sees a point to run Reader because of low usage. LOW USAGE. I use Google Reader EVERY FREAKING DAY (Except yesterday... apparently). And according to feedburner (run by GOOGLE) I have hundreds of followers through google reader. HUNDREDS! THAT ALMOST MAKES ME A BLOGGING CELEBRITY!! (no it doesn't)
So what's next? Will they shut down BLOGGER? (also run by GOOGLE) WHERE WILL I PUT ALL MY PRECIOUS WOOOORDS if they shut down blogger?? Who will read my PRECIOUS WORDS if you all can't access them through Google Reader??
I am going to be THAT guy... the one still rocking the 8 tracks because he invested in them damn it, he IS NOT switching to cassette tapes. WHAT A WASTE. But for me it will be blogging I just can't quit. I will still be sitting here, writing away, even when nobody reads anymore. Because I love it! And I refuse to believe that you all don't love it too!
So if you want to keep following our story, here are a few options for how to find me once Google abandons all the blogging faithful.
Click HERE to follow Bio Girl on Facebook.
Click HERE to follow me on Twitter, where I always link to new posts.
Click HERE to sign up for Feedly, from what I hear is a good alternative to Google Reader.
Click HERE for a list of other reader alternatives now that Google is leaving the game.
Or you can just keep coming here to good old . I will stick around. I mean, I pay like $10 a year for this space. I am going to make the most of it!
Mel over at Stirrup Queens has a great post about this exact same idea, but she managed to put it into words much better than I did. Check it out if you have time!
**I am working in some GIFs around here... because I can SOMETIMES change with the times, and I think tumblr sites like #BBN Problems and #TheClearlyDope are hilarious. I mean, I don't do it right. I ADD THEM TO MY GOOGLE READER. But still, I laugh. So I am giving them a try, but if you don't think they work for longer posts like this, just let me know. I might listen, I might not.

I feel the same way! Also about blogger possibly following reader. :(
ReplyDeleteUgh, I'm SO sad that they are getting rid of this. I think I'm going to put up a similar post to remind people how else they can keep up with my blog. Then I'm going to need to find an alternative myself. :(