
Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring Break

So hello.

Yeah, Friday was hard (really, really hard), if you couldn't tell from my post.  But Saturday rolled around, and it was so freaking beautiful around here it was impossible to stay that sad.  Also, I think I was emotionally drained from being that upset.  There was nowhere to go but up.

So we spent Saturday and Sunday outside.  We worked in the yard, played on the swing-set and grilled out dinner. Nick did some major reworking of some of the back landscaping, and I... I don't know. I watched.  And I pushed Henry on the swing.  That was something.  At one point Henry yelled from his swing to his Papa, "Hey Papa!  I LOVE my swing set!  Thank you for that!"  It was extremely rewarding.

Anyway, it was a great weekend.  we kept the doors open and the heat/air turned off.  It was nice to breath in the fresh air.

I also found out that I completely rocked my Biostats midterm, getting a 99%.  Because I am annoying, I want to know how I missed that 1%. (Also because I am annoying, I am bragging about how good I did on my midterm)  On Saturday I submitted my paper for my Rural Health class, so I am completely caught up and truly have a full week off of school.  It's great!

Now would normally be the point in the posts where I should you a picture of Henry playing outside, but I didn't think to take any (Not quite myself just yet, clearly).  So instead I will show you this one:
He walks around like this ALL THE TIME.  With a sword stuck in the back of his shirt.  Sometimes is a little one like that (officially called a 'sai' according to Nick, who keeps correcting me when I call it a sword), other times is a huge, curved sword he got from who knows where (NICK).  but the kid is ALWAYS armed... just in case. 

I used to worry about him forgetting it was back there when he goes to the bathroom, but then one day I walked in to find the long sword hanging in the toilet paper holder.  This kid, he's cleaver.

**In the background of this picture you can see a sneak peak of his outer space room on the wall!  I will try to remember to load pictures so you all can see how adorable the rest of it is this week**


  1. Glad to hear you had some time this weekend and you have a whole week off! Way to go you on the midterm - brag away, girl, you have every right with a score like that!!

    I love Henry's sword... Tim has two nerf swords which Oscar adores playing with. My friend is huge on LARP and I plan on sending Oscar to join in their role-playing when he's older ;)

    Can't wait to see the outer space bedroom... what a fantastic choice! Oscar gets all excited whenever the beginning credits of Star Trek: The Next Gen comes on... it's so sweet. I think our boys will have lots to chat about over Skype when they're older!!!

  2. Swords are so much fun! That picture so made me miss my son at that age--so fun and resourceful!

  3. Congrats on your 99% :)

    So glad you had a lovely weekend - you deserve a break.

    Andddd can't wait to see Henry's room!

  4. Beautiful blog! He's so cute having that sword on his back.
