
Monday, April 22, 2013

A Short Post about Not Posting (And KEENELAND!)

I have a mental list of a million things to blog about. Or, like, three.  But THREE things feel like a lot when it comes to long rambling, picture filled blog posts.  But things are so busy right now.  Work was crazy last week, school is crazy (FINALS), family life is crazy, plus, if I am totally honest, I am struggling with my grief over Missy.  We have had out of town guests and I had a field trip (are they still called field trips in college?)  plus Henry has been sick and... well... I am missing blogging.  But right this minute, the only thing I have time to blog about is that.  That I miss it.  Not that I can actually DO anything about it. 

But just for fun, here are a couple of pictures from our trip to Keeneland this weekend with Matt and Blair who were in from South Carolina.  Good times.

Keeneland 2013
 Nick and I at the races. As you can see by our coats and sweaters, it was sunny but cold. Somehow that did not stop the college girls form wearing strapless dresses and sandals. Idiots. (I am getting old) Keeneland 2013
Matt and Blair, who unfortunately lost every race (So did we... we literally won NOTHING). Kinda the opposite of last time... but we still had tons of fun! The beer and margarita's helped.
Keeneland 2013
This is what Keeneland looks like on the track on the last Saturday when it's sunny... insane. 
Keeneland 2013
One more of the guys

 So that's it.  It was a great visit, like always!  We sure do enjoy our family.

More blog posts to come soon...


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