
Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Celebrations

Over the last two weekends we celebrated Easter with our families. We also celebrated Nick's birthday, which happen to land on Easter Sunday. And as our first holiday without our Missy, it was a challenge in a lot of ways.  She was very missed.  Her absence was heavy on our hearts, both for Easter and for Nick on his birthday.  Navigating this grief is so hard.  It is honestly impossible to describe.   But the joy the babies got out of Easter let us know we are doing the right thing. That we have to move forward, no matter how hard it is, that Missy would not want to babies to miss this just because we are so sad.  That we get joy from their joy.  And over the last two weekends there was a lot of Easter joy along with our heartache.

So, per usual, here are an alarming number of pictures of our holiday.  I have some great video too, but I need to do some editing, so you may get one more Easter post in the next few days, just so you can all hear "SKITTLES!!  THEY ARE MY FRAVORITE!!" because it will warm your heart.  For now, here is a very oddly put together collection of pictures. I have no idea why I did this so sporadically, but it is done, and I refuse to start over.  So welcome to my awkwardly arranged Easter Post!

Easter 2013
 So here is his mighty Easter Haul. I felt like it was a pretty low key Easter basket (It all fits in the basket!) but Nana and Grandpa seemed to think it was comically full. Who knew? Thanks to the Rise of the Guardians, there were also eggs left out by the Easter Bunny for Henry to find.  Those eggs brought him SO MUCH JOY.  it was awesome.
Easter 2013
The majority of basket opening is on video, but he begged to have this picture taken with his Hershey bars because they are also his 'fravorite'.
 Easter 2013
Nana can tease all she wants, but the boys baskets from her looked pretty stinking full to me too!
 Easter 2013
And also these two! From a week earlier, but we are just working it all in together!
Easter 2013
 "Mama! Mama! Take a picture!"
 Easter 2013
No time to smile. Must get into this egg...
 Easter 2013
(back to yesterday) I have so many pictures of Henry just gazing at Nieem lovingly.... I hope Nieem is ready for the cousin worship that is coming his way! (this post is seriously jumping around. I see it, but I can't stop it) On top of the Easter baskets we also had an egg hunt at Nanny and Papaw's and at Nana and Grandpa's. The one with cici is only on video (MY NEW VIDEO ADDITION IS EPIC. It will be discussed in more detail later) But we did get some pictures of Henry and Nieem.
 Easter 2013
 Easter 2013
 Easter 2013
Easter 2013
(Adults just watch from above) "seriously... that is a lot of eggs for two kids..."
 Easter 2013
The score

And now, continuing to completely jump around... here are some pictures with adults in them!
Easter 2013
Nanny and Papaw with the babies
 Easter 2013
four generations
 Easter 2013
Easter 2013
family with a major flash in the mirror (my bad)

 Easter 2013

Easter 2013
And now we are back to yesterday, me and Nicholas on his Easter birthday. (Happy Birthday, Baby!!)
Easter 2013
See what I mean about the Nieem gazing?
 Easter 2013
Candice and Nicole
 Easter 2013
And we will end the post with our birthday boy with his cake!  Because it rounds off the randomness nicely...


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