
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Wasting Time on Instagram

I should be doing homework. Really, I should. we spent the entire day in the yard yesterday which was awesome, but I did no homework.  So really, I should get to work on my final paper.

...But sometimes Instagram is just so much more entertaining...
A boy's first Ale-8-One
Someone had his first Ale-8-One today. Someone loved it. Clearly Kentucky born and raised... upload
That same someone is also in swim lessons right now. He loves it so much.
Oh look, here he is again hanging out with his Papaw... these pictures seem to have a common theme..
My two favorite boys on one pillow
Enjoying the aquarium with his Nanny
With Mama, supporting the Cats

Another sword picture, a different day

 Okay, now I really am going to start my homework...

(Did you expect these pictures to be of yard work? that would have been more logical, but when have I ever been logical around here)


  1. Instagram is the best way to waste time :) Happy to see so many smiling pics of your sweet family. xoxo

  2. I love those pics. What's your IG? I'm marcia0608 - if you follow me I'll find you back.
