
Sunday, May 26, 2013

2nd Annual Memorial Day Weekend Outdoor Adventure

Kind of a long title, but it felt worth mentioning that for two years running we have gone out into nature during Memorial Day Weekend! I mean... pretty much the rest of the year we stayed safely locked within city limits, but this one weekend a year we have repeatedly gone into the great wilderness! And, don't hold me to this or anything, but I REALLY think we will be in nature even more than one weekend this summer! We... wait for it... went shopping for camping equipment this weekend!



But Nick's mom and step dad really want to do a family camping trip, and I'll be damned, I am actually getting kinda excited about it. I LOVED camping with my family when I was little, and the idea of having that tradition with Henry is something I am looking forward to.  So, WATCH OUT WILDERNESS.  HERE WE COME! 

(wilderness with a bathroom and running water... we aren't savages)

This post has taken a turn for the rambling.  Let's get back on track.

We went hiking this weekend!  Want to see pictures?

Raven Run May 2013
We went to Raven Run, which is a place I have never been, even though it is like, twenty minutes from where we live...
Raven Run May 2013
Sometimes I forget how pretty Kentucky is. It's like you just get used to it, and then one day you look around and are like "Wow... I actually like here. and it is gorgeous."
Raven Run May 2013
It was actually Andy's idea to get out into nature this weekend, so we owe him a thanks for not letting the annual tradition die on it's second year
 Raven Run May 2013
I mean, if he hadn't asked us to go, we would have missed the giant rock that looks like a foot.  NOBODY should have to miss that.
Raven Run May 2013
But even MORE important than the foot, we would have missed a great time with each other... (awww)
Raven Run May 2013
Henry and Andy, just hanging out
 Raven Run May 2013
Henry did amazing, and did the majority of his own walking. I would say he walked two miles of the two and a half mile hike. Which is pretty impressive!
Raven Run May 2013
but that did mean we spent about a half mile carrying him around like a sack of potatoes... which he found extremely enjoyable

 Raven Run May 2013
but even that half mile of carrying was worth our final destination (or, I guess the half way point of the hike, since we had to head back)
 Raven Run May 2013
Totally worth it
 Raven Run May 2013
So.. it was nice to meet you, Raven Run. We will be back. Hopefully in less than a year.



  1. There's another trail (heads the opposite direction than to the river overlook) where there's a great creek that my boys LOVE to play in. Other people have left some really cool rock statute/art things that we also love to add to.

  2. I have many memories of Raven Run with all my younguns. Hiking was a necessity in the growing years. )))
