
Friday, May 31, 2013

On the Last Day of May, A Little More Grey

Today is the last day of May, and I have worn at least a little grey, every single day this month:
 Last day of May. #greyforMissy #BrainCancerAwarenessMonth
My shoes, my clothes, my nail polish,  my grey bracelet; I have kept it on me, and I have constantly thought of her.

Thank you all who wore grey and have thought of her this month too. The 8th will forever touch my heart.  Thank you too for all of your messages of love and support over this last month.  This morning I got a message from Marci saying that she is in grey today too, all the way in South Africa, and that she is thinking of Missy.  I am just constantly moved beyond words by the outpouring of love I find within this community.

 Tonight is our local Relay for Life.  Mary, Nick's ex-step mom and a beloved family friend, has been raising money and is taking part in the relay.  She is dedicating her relay to her own sister, who she lost 19 years ago, and to our Sweet Melissa.  She has made luminary bags and lights in their honor.
Relay for Life
Thank you Mary, for including my sweet sister.  It means more than words can say.

So as we close out May, I miss my sister.  But I am constantly grateful for all the love and support that surrounds her memory, and our entire family.

Thank you.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Camera's Help with Focusing on the Good

I have a lot of thoughts rolling around in my head.  Mainly about Missy and grief, heaven and the meaning of life.  You know.. the little things.  Henry is talking about Missy so much, and asking so many questions.  I embrace his questions, I  really try to.  But I wish I knew the answers, or I wish I didn't feel like I was making up the answers as I go.  I wish he didn't have to try to grasp things as big as death and loss and heaven at the age of four, because I am struggling like hell to understand them at 33.  And I want to write about it, but I can't quite formulate them into a post.  Right now the thoughts are too abstract.  Or the grief is just a little too strong today.  Maybe I will write it out someday soon, or maybe this post, that simply says I am struggling, will be enough to calm my head and my heart, and possibly ease my grief.

So along with that thought, today I will just give you some pictures from the last few days. I have taken some good ones.  And looking at them helps me to remember how many good things are happening right now, even when I am missing her so very much.

My boys

My boys, relaxing and playing the Wii U before bed
First day at the pool. #nofilter
First day at the pool this summer.
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
The girls
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
fuzzy head :)
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
Henry with his Aunt Boo, Uncle Chris and Cici
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
Cici with her Uncle Nick
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
Cousins again, just because they make me smile

Brave boy! No cavities :)
A brave boy at the dentist this morning.  No tears, no cavities!
At Orange Leaf. I think he likes it..
Enjoying every last drop...
MawMaw's House 2013
Henry with his Papa and Mawmaw in South Carolina
MawMaw's House 2013
Me and my boy
MawMaw's House 2013's pretty alright

I am glad I have been using my camera recently, because today these pictures are helping me to remember that.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

2nd Annual Memorial Day Weekend Outdoor Adventure

Kind of a long title, but it felt worth mentioning that for two years running we have gone out into nature during Memorial Day Weekend! I mean... pretty much the rest of the year we stayed safely locked within city limits, but this one weekend a year we have repeatedly gone into the great wilderness! And, don't hold me to this or anything, but I REALLY think we will be in nature even more than one weekend this summer! We... wait for it... went shopping for camping equipment this weekend!



But Nick's mom and step dad really want to do a family camping trip, and I'll be damned, I am actually getting kinda excited about it. I LOVED camping with my family when I was little, and the idea of having that tradition with Henry is something I am looking forward to.  So, WATCH OUT WILDERNESS.  HERE WE COME! 

(wilderness with a bathroom and running water... we aren't savages)

This post has taken a turn for the rambling.  Let's get back on track.

We went hiking this weekend!  Want to see pictures?

Raven Run May 2013
We went to Raven Run, which is a place I have never been, even though it is like, twenty minutes from where we live...
Raven Run May 2013
Sometimes I forget how pretty Kentucky is. It's like you just get used to it, and then one day you look around and are like "Wow... I actually like here. and it is gorgeous."
Raven Run May 2013
It was actually Andy's idea to get out into nature this weekend, so we owe him a thanks for not letting the annual tradition die on it's second year
 Raven Run May 2013
I mean, if he hadn't asked us to go, we would have missed the giant rock that looks like a foot.  NOBODY should have to miss that.
Raven Run May 2013
But even MORE important than the foot, we would have missed a great time with each other... (awww)
Raven Run May 2013
Henry and Andy, just hanging out
 Raven Run May 2013
Henry did amazing, and did the majority of his own walking. I would say he walked two miles of the two and a half mile hike. Which is pretty impressive!
Raven Run May 2013
but that did mean we spent about a half mile carrying him around like a sack of potatoes... which he found extremely enjoyable

 Raven Run May 2013
but even that half mile of carrying was worth our final destination (or, I guess the half way point of the hike, since we had to head back)
 Raven Run May 2013
Totally worth it
 Raven Run May 2013
So.. it was nice to meet you, Raven Run. We will be back. Hopefully in less than a year.


Friday, May 24, 2013

Summer Reading Suggestions!

Well I am back!

The travel yesterday was exhausting, but fine. I didn't realize it was a holiday weekend until like, five hours into the trip and I was just SO CONFUSED as to why so many people are flying on a Thursday. It was PACKED. But I made it home, I am so happy to see my boys, and all is well.

But that is not the point of this post.  The point of this post is to tell you about the amazing books I have been reading!  I haven't really read at all this year.  I guess between classes and Missy and life I just couldn't.  But a few weeks ago I sent out a message to my book review friend , Kate, asking for some recommendations, and man... she hooked me up.  Clearly her and I have the same reading interests because I swear, every book she told me to read I have adored. And I want to pass along these gems of books to you all because... well... that's what I do.  I share things I love with you so you can read them and tell me you love them too.  Then we can talk about these characters like they are real people and it wont be strange AT ALL.

So, I am calling this post my summer reading suggestions list.  I will come back and add to it over the next few months (if anybody cares).  For now it has four books on it, and they are all most definitely worth checking out!



Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell: This is the first of two books by Rainbow Rowell on the list, and I find it highly likely that as the summer continues, everything she has written will be added.  There is something about her writing style that just speaks to me.  It reads so natural, and you completely fall in love with her characters.  Don't be fooled by this book being listed at Young Adult or by the simple cover.  It is a fast read, but the story is amazing. 

sea of tranquility

The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay- I basically read this entire book yesterday. And it is not a light read.  But I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN.  Even once I got home, and the boys were asleep, I stayed up an extra two hours to finish it.  Once again it's a Young Adult book, but the subject is anything but juvenile.  It is heart wrenching and amazing.  The main characters are written so well you feel like you know them.  And love them. And just want to help them.  The story is dark at parts, but in the same vein as Language of Flowers, is worth it's dark side.  And this book pulls off something that few can do, it absolutely grabs you up until the final page.  And when you close the book, you will have chills.  (at least I did). Read it.

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell: I adored this book.  And in some ways, that may be because it reminded me so much of me and Whitney. If you have ever had a friend who makes you laugh (really hard) mostly in the form of emails/IM/texting then you might see yourself in it as well.  The story is about a guy who is hired to police the inner office email at a newspaper, and the two best friends who email back and forth throughout the day.  The story is sweet and heartfelt and definitely worth reading.
Measure of love

Measure of Love (And Life from Scratch) by Mellisa Ford: These are written by Mel from Stirrup Queens, who has become a dear friend over the years.  I adored her first book, Life from Scratch, about a woman who has recently divorced her husband, so begins a blog about learning to cook, and starting live over from scratch.  Measure of Love just came out last month, and is the squeal.  I don't really want to give away it's story, because it ties too much into the end of Life from Scratch, but both books are great and definitely worth reading this summer!

So that's it (so far).  I have about ten more books suggested by Kate, plus everything by Rainbow Rowell on my summer reading list, so I will let you know in future posts when I update here with new suggestions!  If you have read anything good this summer, let me know in the comments and I will add it to my list!


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Kelsey and Thomas Get Married!

So let's talk about the wedding!!  It was a success!  I mean, it's hard for weddings to not be a success unless someone gets left at the alter, but this one was an EXTREME success. It was AMAZING! Like, one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever seen. And it was so much fun! I will forever love the memory of Nick, Henry and dancing together. I smile every single time I think of it. So anyway, do you want to see some pictures? I knew it!

Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
I figured I should start with an adorable shot of the bride and groom.
  Cutest ring bearer EVER!!
And of course the oh so handsome ring bearer

Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Actually, we are just going to start at the beginning of the day... because otherwise I will miss too many great pictures. Here is Mawmaw with three of her four grandsons. I HATE that Chris and Nieem weren't there yet. We will have to get all teh boys with Mawmaw at the next wedding :)
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Matt and Blair, looking adorable
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The groom, hiding from the bride
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The bride, right above him, hiding from the groom
  Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
a proud Mama and a sweet boy
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
one of many amazing spots at this wedding... the buffet line
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
the reception
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The Sweet Bride
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding\
Our little family
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The girls
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
my loves
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Our big boy, totally in control of his ring bearing duties

Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The reason for it all
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The wedding party
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Our sweet South Carolina Family

Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The music :)

Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
a little pre-dinner dancing.  This turned into a lot of full group dancing later. I have no pictures of it, because I was too busy loving every second of it.

  Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
These two had a blast
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding

The awesome, antique milk jugs used for glasses
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Siblings, all dressed up
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
first dance
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Love this one!
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Mama and Papa jump in
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Candice and I
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Speeches... which I am mainly including so you can see how pretty the reception tent was!
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Nana and Grandpa

Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding

Cake! (and pie!)

Aaaaand then my camera ran out of batteries. But the evening went on, and a ton of fun was had by EVERYONE. Truly. It was a beautiful wedding, and we could not be happier for the amazing couple!

**Like every other wedding, there are WAY more pictures that what I am posting. If you want to see more of how adorable this was, click on any picture and it will take you to my flickr account.
