
Monday, May 6, 2013

Derby Day

So this weekend was the Kentucky Derby...which... in my neck of the woods is a pretty big deal. Don't tell me if you have never heard of the Kentucky Derby. We Kentuckians believe EVERYONE in America believes it's the greatest two minutes in sports. (Don't pop our bubble.)  Even if that isn't 100% true, I will venture to say that there are few other two minute increments that could win you TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS on a two dollar bet.

 (Kentucky Derby= sound financial investment.... if you bet... and pick correctly)

So how do you build a perfect Derby party, even if it's sorta raining and cold?
Derby Party 2013
First Derby requirement, a horse. Check

. Debry Party 2013
Second Requirement, Derby Hats. Double Check (I know they looked thrilled, but they REALLY did enjoy this)
Debry Party 2013
Third, a race. Check again
 Derby Party 2013
Fourth, Alcohol. delicious double check
. Derby Party 2013
Fifth, good friends to have you over, Giant check.
 Derby Party 2013
And you can always throw family in for good measure!
Derby Party 2013
And maybe a pinch of Adorable
Derby Party 2013
Oh and look! ME! I am also needed for a derby party! ALWAYS!
Derby Party 2013
So s you can clearly see, we have this Derby thing figured out.

 Thanks Ryan and Arielle for a great Derby! We had a blast :)


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