Hats made by my mom, who is AMAZING! She got the pattern here.
Turns out I didn't need to worry about Pinterest, not when I have Nick. The man knows how to come up with Nintendo themed party ideas.

Mario post it wall: by Nick

cupcakes with the Nintendo Land game symbols, chocolate sucker mustaches. Ellie begging for food in the background. Good dog.

The hats went along with the kids playing Mario Chase in the yard... which pretty much just meant I told them to run and play.

Turns out, that is a pretty popular game. We could have just left it at that.

But we made a few more; like Yoshi's Fruit Cart. This entire idea was mine... I was pretty proud of it.

They were timed and had to collect fruit on the patio. IF they did it in under 30 seconds they got a gold coin

Now we get to the games Nick built... they were... a little more impressive than my Yoshi's Fruit Cart...

I can't imagine why the kids list this as their favorite game of the party... (using a Nerf gun, the targets fall if you hit the bulls-eye)

The little kids got some help sighting up the targets. I am surprisingly good at this game, but it hung out in my living room for a few days pre-party, so I got a lot of practice.

And then Nick built this one... which... okay, this thing was just awesome.

You put a balloon on a track and have to navigate through a spiky maze... with a fan blowing. If you get to the end without your balloon popping, you get a coin!

With a little extra help for the little ones

The gold coins the kids collected when they played each game were then used to play plunko for prizes

Also a hit with the kids. Who doesn't want to play plunko??

After the games singing was done, candles were blown out

Presents were opened

An excellent time was had by all.
And now for lots of pictures of friends and family!

Henry and Hudson. These two are become the best of friends. It's adorable!

Here is our sweet boy with his Nanny

And of course one with his Papaw

Nana and her boys

Grandaddy and Grandma Val

The Bio Girl Family

Boo and Cici

Grandaddy, Grandma Val and Great-Grandma from Alabama!

Liz and Wesley

Aunt Candice and Uncle Chris....it was maybe a LITTLE cold outside, but as you can see this party REQUIRED use of the back yard.

The kids table

Ethan enjoying his Nintendo Land cupcake




Morgan and Carter

More playing

Hanging out with Andy

Aunt Boo and Uncle Chris with the birthday boy

Ryan and Arielle, giver of the AWESOME Wreck it Ralph Hands.

Seriously, he never wants to take them off

But he will share with his Papa

Aunt Candice taking an inside break with Cici

Chris, Nicole and Nieem

It was an amazing party. We all loved it, especially our sweet birthday boy!
There are lots more pictures. LOTS MORE. If you want to see the 100 I loaded to flicker, click on any picture and it will take you to my page. If you were at the party and want to have access to order any of the 400 pictures in the snapfish album, let me know and I will send you an invite!
THANKS SO MUCH to Aunt Nicole for being our photographer and capturing so many great moments from the party!!

Awesome! I love the creativity that went into this party--see, video games can be inspirational! :-)
ReplyDeleteHappy Fourth B-Day, Henry!
I showed this post to Tim on my phone (thankfully through Google Reader as I can't seem to access your blog properly direct on my phone... what am I going to do when Reader disappears?!)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I showed this to Tim and said that we HAVE to hold awesome parties for Oscar! You have set the standard for all awesome parties and we have to follow :)