(are you all sighing with relief?)
So now we are packed up and leaving town!
What? Didn't I mention that we are going out of town? I guess I was distracted.
Saturday is Kelsey and Thomas' wedding, so Nick and Henry went to South Carolina yesterday (they need to be there for the Thursday evening rehearsal) and I am catching a ride with Candice today after work. It will be a fun filled family weekend, and you can expect a lot of pictures of the beautiful couple, as well as the STAR OF THE SHOW, the RING-BEARER!
Okay, Kelsey is the star of the show. But Henry will be a close second (Sorry Thomas).
After the wedding I am actually flying out of South Carolina and going to Idaho for several days for a work conference. Do I have any readers in Boise? Anybody have any suggestions for things to do or see? I am open to all suggestions, seeing as how my current plans for my evenings in Boise include reading, blogging wedding pictures and watching movies in my hotel room. Maybe eating some junk food. (I am a wild one).
Anyway, it is going to be kinda a whirl wind week; three days in South Carolina, five days in Idaho. Fingers crossed it all goes well!

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