
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Kelsey and Thomas Get Married!

So let's talk about the wedding!!  It was a success!  I mean, it's hard for weddings to not be a success unless someone gets left at the alter, but this one was an EXTREME success. It was AMAZING! Like, one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever seen. And it was so much fun! I will forever love the memory of Nick, Henry and dancing together. I smile every single time I think of it. So anyway, do you want to see some pictures? I knew it!

Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
I figured I should start with an adorable shot of the bride and groom.
  Cutest ring bearer EVER!!
And of course the oh so handsome ring bearer

Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Actually, we are just going to start at the beginning of the day... because otherwise I will miss too many great pictures. Here is Mawmaw with three of her four grandsons. I HATE that Chris and Nieem weren't there yet. We will have to get all teh boys with Mawmaw at the next wedding :)
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Matt and Blair, looking adorable
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The groom, hiding from the bride
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The bride, right above him, hiding from the groom
  Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
a proud Mama and a sweet boy
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
one of many amazing spots at this wedding... the buffet line
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
the reception
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The Sweet Bride
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding\
Our little family
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The girls
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
my loves
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Our big boy, totally in control of his ring bearing duties

Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The reason for it all
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The wedding party
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Our sweet South Carolina Family

Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
The music :)

Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
a little pre-dinner dancing.  This turned into a lot of full group dancing later. I have no pictures of it, because I was too busy loving every second of it.

  Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
These two had a blast
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding

The awesome, antique milk jugs used for glasses
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Siblings, all dressed up
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
first dance
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Love this one!
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Mama and Papa jump in
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Candice and I
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Speeches... which I am mainly including so you can see how pretty the reception tent was!
Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
Nana and Grandpa

Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding

Cake! (and pie!)

Aaaaand then my camera ran out of batteries. But the evening went on, and a ton of fun was had by EVERYONE. Truly. It was a beautiful wedding, and we could not be happier for the amazing couple!

**Like every other wedding, there are WAY more pictures that what I am posting. If you want to see more of how adorable this was, click on any picture and it will take you to my flickr account.


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