
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Camera's Help with Focusing on the Good

I have a lot of thoughts rolling around in my head.  Mainly about Missy and grief, heaven and the meaning of life.  You know.. the little things.  Henry is talking about Missy so much, and asking so many questions.  I embrace his questions, I  really try to.  But I wish I knew the answers, or I wish I didn't feel like I was making up the answers as I go.  I wish he didn't have to try to grasp things as big as death and loss and heaven at the age of four, because I am struggling like hell to understand them at 33.  And I want to write about it, but I can't quite formulate them into a post.  Right now the thoughts are too abstract.  Or the grief is just a little too strong today.  Maybe I will write it out someday soon, or maybe this post, that simply says I am struggling, will be enough to calm my head and my heart, and possibly ease my grief.

So along with that thought, today I will just give you some pictures from the last few days. I have taken some good ones.  And looking at them helps me to remember how many good things are happening right now, even when I am missing her so very much.

My boys

My boys, relaxing and playing the Wii U before bed
First day at the pool. #nofilter
First day at the pool this summer.
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
The girls
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
fuzzy head :)
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
Henry with his Aunt Boo, Uncle Chris and Cici
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
Cici with her Uncle Nick
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
Cousins again, just because they make me smile

Brave boy! No cavities :)
A brave boy at the dentist this morning.  No tears, no cavities!
At Orange Leaf. I think he likes it..
Enjoying every last drop...
MawMaw's House 2013
Henry with his Papa and Mawmaw in South Carolina
MawMaw's House 2013
Me and my boy
MawMaw's House 2013's pretty alright

I am glad I have been using my camera recently, because today these pictures are helping me to remember that.



  1. I love all the pictures but that second to last one of you and Henry... Love, love, love!!!

  2. What a great way to remind ourselves of all the good around us!

  3. Love that pic of you and Henry at the pool.

    So today is the last day of May and I wore grey for Missy. I also have on grey socks and a grey bra (it is actually grey, not white gone grubby!).

    And I took my camera with me to the workshop. The security guard working on the property asked me why I was taking (random) pics and I said, "so I always remember to look for the beauty". That story ties in so nicely with this blog post!

    I'm thinking of you across the many, many miles and a big old ocean!

