"What are we doing?" He asked, his head still on his Papa's pillow, his eyes still closed.
"You have swim lessons, then gym class, then we are going to have lunch at the park with Hudson and Cici, then we are going to go to the pool with Wesley."
He opened one eye, looked at me for a second and said "That is a LOT of Tings"

Yes, yes it is. And our entire summer sorta feels that way. Packing in summer classes and picnics, vacations and grilling out, swimming and ball games, camping trips, birthday celebrations and blockbuster movies...we are going to be busy. We already are.
And I think it's good for all of us. And it's hard too, of course. Everything is hard. And it's a struggle to know how much to mention that...because I know you know, that all the joy is accompanied by the pain of our loss; the constant grief. Always. But it feels like if I don't say it, then maybe it will sound like we are all better. Moving on and happy with life again. When in reality we are just working hard on finding a new normal. And not letting the grief take away the happiness that is still an option for us.
So with summer officially here, I feel the sun in my heart as much as I feel it on my shoulders. We are doing things together as a family. Fun things. Memorable things. And it's good.

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