
Monday, July 22, 2013

My Love of the Royals Continues to Grow

Remember how I am a total nerd for the Royal family?

 Royal Baby
That has not gone away.
Royal Baby
You  might even say it's picked up a BIT in the last few weeks/months.

Royal Baby
And I may or may not have been stalking the entire internet waiting for this announcement to be posted outside the Buckingham Palace on an easel today (okay... the entire last week).  Because... I REALLY seem to care.
Royal Baby
So CONGRATULATIONS Will and Kate!  You are going to love having a baby boy.  Trust me, I have one.  They are pretty great. 



  1. I'm thrilled for their boy too, and I'm also a fellow anglophile/royal nut :-)

  2. I'm right there with you! Why it sucks me in I have no idea. But I am SO happy for them!
