What? That happens to little boys all the time? You don't really care? You think I am insane about his hair?
Good Point.
THE CHAAAAANGE! (I am just embracing my crazy hair obsession. Let's just pretend it's normal.)
We went from This:

Seriously... cutest kid ever, right?
To This:

which... okay, maybe doesn't look THAT different from this angle.. I can't seem to get a great picture of the front, that shows how DIFFFFFERENT it looks while still being a cute picture. But the side/back is another story.
We went from this:

Which I know some of you may feel in on the edge of mullet-ness, but oh lord, I just LOVE IT. I want to reach through this picture and mess with it right. now.
To this:

I am in a little bit of shock about how short the back is, and how OLD HE LOOKS NOW. But I think in a few weeks it will grow out to more what I had in mind. I like the layered look in the back, and I think it will shag out and not take on such a bowl/Beatles/Okay-fine-sorta-mullet-like look this time. SO all in all, it's good. And SHORT. But good.

Henry agrees. (This picture makes me laugh so hard...)

He's making 'duck face' in the last picture! How funny (and cute)!