
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hanging Out with Papaw

Last night Henry stayed the night with my parents because I had a doctors appointment yesterday and Mom was keeping him today anyway, so it just seemed like an easy solution to let him have a sleep over and cover both babysitter required events. Yes, we are so insanely lucky to have three sets of amazing grandparents who adore our sweet boy as much as we do.  I may be a little (a LOT) spoiled with our abundance of local babysitters...

 But anyway, last night Nick and I went out on the town, being wild and crazy with our child free night (we ate dinner out and went to the mall and target in search of a messenger bag for Nick... Hard to believe we were able to get up for work this morning after all that madness) when my phone dinged that I had a new photo message:
Apparently Henry and his Papaw were enjoying a movie together
Really, really close together

These may be my favorite pictures of these two ever.  Henry is one lucky boy.


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