
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Six Months

Tomorrow is six months since we lost our Missy. And although the 8th of each month doesn't hurt my heart as much as it did back in March or even May,  now the hard days are reserved for the days I know I would be with her, her birthday, vacations, holidays, family night... but still, I have been thinking of her all week.  Thinking of how fast time is moving, thinking of how much I miss her, thinking of how I cannot believe it has been six months.

I was messaging with one of her best friends the other day and she summed it up perfectly.  " I know she is with me in spirit, but I just want to hold her hand and kiss her face"

I have thought a lot about that statement because it perfect sums up where my heart is.  I just want to kiss her face.  And since I can't, I will have to settle for this picture of her kissing mine.
It hangs on our fridge, and whenever I see it I say a little prayer of thanks.  Thanks that she was so amazing, thanks that we had 30 years together, and thanks that there is a picture that captures at least a little of the love between us.  It is so precious to me now.

Six months.  Half a year.  It feels like a lifetime, and it feels like no time at all. 



  1. I can't believe it's been 6 months. :( Thinking of you and your family as you mark this difficult anniversary. <3

  2. Thinking of you all, the picture is precious.hugs

  3. Sarah, I can't believe it's been 6 months!!! I cried when I read this post. I love the love in that photo!!!!

