
Monday, October 7, 2013

Busy, Busy

So we just wrapped up the busiest weekend of the year. Seriously. Soccer, two birthday parties, a wedding, a girlfriend brunch, and work (and grocery, and cleaning, and laundry, AND HOMEWORK). It was fairly Epic. So, as expected if you know me at all, I have like A million pictures for you. OF COURSE I DO.  I am going to get at least three MORE posts out of this weekend, so settle in for a week of photos.

But for today, I am lacking in time, so I will just give you my two favorites... a preview of things to come.


Our little soccer player, running through the post game parent tunnel

Lauren and Gilley's Wedding

All dressed up for a wedding.  Love.

I will be back tomorrow... (Maybe Wednesday) with the first of the long picture posts.  Stay tuned!


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