Let's get right to this... mainly because mom has Henry so that I can be studying and writing my capstone... and... well... this post right here is sorta proof that I am NOT exactly using my time as wisely as I should.
(In my defence, my mom totally wants to see pictures from the wedding too...)
This weekend Lauren and Andrew got married at a beautiful bed and breakfast outside of town. Lauren is one of Missy's life long best friends, and I am so grateful we were able to be there to help them celebrate.

Just look at Miss Lauren. (Mandy... I 'borrowed' your picture... because I love it.) How beautiful is she?

Married! (Another stolen picture from Lauren's facebook page.. is this also yours, Mandy? Good picture taking! Also, can I borrow your pictures for my blog?)

It had been raining all day leading up to the wedding, but amazingly enough it cleared up and was SO BEAUTIFUL for the outdoor ceremony and reception.

Lauren's daughter Brooklyn was the maid of honor :)

Henry... just because

The wedding was sweet and funny and all around perfect... just like these two

They had this set up at the reception, you could write messages to the couple and stick them in bottles for them to open on specific anniversaries. I loved this idea! Too bad I didn't realize what we were suppose to do until I got home and saw the picture... BUT STILL! Even without my note. It's genius!

There were lots of pictures everywhere, including several of our sweet Missy. They lead to tears, but mostly the good kind. Thank you Lauren, for having her so very present in your day.

These two were with us, and they had a blast

Family photo

And another...

Little Miss Leighton was a flower girl, and these three had so much fun playing together after the ceremony! When we went to sit down to eat Henry said "But Mama, I really really REALLY like playing with Leighton!"


The girls, being adorable

Me and Nick... and beautiful Kentucky (the sun's back up!)

the bride and groom, being announced at the reception

outside, looking in

Henry and Leighton... Henry expression cracks me up, but I think they both look too sweet.

cake was cut,

dances were danced,

Lots of love, all around
Thank you Lauren and Andrew for inviting us to your amazing wedding. We loved every second of it!

Makes me laugh too hard to not share. Why so serious, Ms Cici?

Beautiful! I love weddings. :)