
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mama and Her Boy

I am usually the photographer around these parts, so I always worry  there aren't as many good pictures of me with Henry as there are of him with everyone else.  Turns out I am pretty wrong, because every year when I make his slideshow there are JUST as many pictures of him with me as with Nick (sometimes more... because I am not shy about being on camera...).  But it never stops me from worrying... lucky for me my family is aware of this thought/fear and tend to shoot pictures of me with my sweet boy whenever they see an opportunity. 
Tying shoes and stealing kisses :)
Tying shoes and stealing kisses
Mama and Henry
A tickle monster attack a Wesley's football game
mama Henry Soccer
Soccer in the rain
And then one we took ourselves, just being lazy on a Wednesday morning :)

I sure do love this boy.

(Thanks Liz and Candice, for the pictures!)


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