
Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Joy of Being Me

Welp, that didn't take long.  I am once again having issues with my endo.

 I know, right?  Like, wasn't my surgery just a few weeks ago?  And here we are again with the pain and the nausea and the all around endometriosis induced bullshit.

Good times.

It isn't bothering me all the time like it was before the surgery, but it is definitely starting to bother me enough to be worrisome.  Again.  Already.  *Smacks head on table*

So, I called the doctor and I am going back on Lupron injections.  I am not thrilled about this since the last time I was on Lupron for endo treatment it resulted in me carrying around a pocket fan at all times because that's how I fought the hot flashes. Nothing sexier than a gal with a pocket fan and braces, let me tell you.

Apparently in the ten years since I was last on Lupron (not counting the fertility treatment doses, which are smaller and much less hot flash inducing) they have come up with something called Add Back Therapy, which supposedly helps with the side effects.  I just have to take a hormone pill everyday.  So...that means I have an IUD, AND I take a monthly hormone injection, AND I take daily hormone pills.  Sounds healthy.

I am truly hoping the add back pills help out with the side effects, because Lupron and I really didn't get along.  Besides the hot flashes I was an emotional mess who broke down (BROKE DOOOOOOWN) sobbing while watching an episode of Futurama.  (But in my defense, it was like the saddest episode of any show ever...). I hated being on it; hated the hot flashes, hated being tired, hated the loss of control over my was the worst. BUT I also remember hating braces (everything relates to the braces) and turns out they are not so bad... so maybe Lupron will be the same.  Time has a tendency to make all things relative, and things that at one time seemed miserable now are just mildly annoying. Fingers crossed Lupron falls into this category. 



  1. I am so, so sorry!!! This sucks so much :(

    I only managed a month on Lupron... Made me downright paychotic as I was suffering from terrible insomnia with it. We tried Synarel after that which dpes the same thing but I coped with much better. They also gave me hormone patches (in a strength higher than most pharmacies carry as standard) because the tablets didn't help enough. That was a much better experience, but I still had my moments (running into the snow in my pjs and barefoot because I was so awfully hot springs to mind!!) I feel so so much for you, I cannot believe it is not giving you a break at all :( MASSIVE hugs coming your way xxxxx

  2. I am so, so sorry!!! This sucks so much :(

    I only managed a month on Lupron... Made me downright paychotic as I was suffering from terrible insomnia with it. We tried Synarel after that which dpes the same thing but I coped with much better. They also gave me hormone patches (in a strength higher than most pharmacies carry as standard) because the tablets didn't help enough. That was a much better experience, but I still had my moments (running into the snow in my pjs and barefoot because I was so awfully hot springs to mind!!) I feel so so much for you, I cannot believe it is not giving you a break at all :( MASSIVE hugs coming your way xxxxx
