
Saturday, November 30, 2013

The NaBloPoMo Finish Line

Good lord, I actually did it.

Seven years of blogging and this is (by far) my longest blogging steak.  34 days IN A ROW.  And not that many of them were cop-out, just a picture and a few words kinda posts.  They are mostly all LEGITIMATE blog posts.  

I am impressed.  With myself.  Which, now that I think about it, is rather self centered, but who cares.  *Pats self on back*

What is actually sort of interesting about this entire process is that I worried in the first week that I had made a mistake and this might make me dislike blogging, but exactly the opposite happened.  As the month moved forward I realized more and more how much I miss blogging.  And not just posting pictures (ignore my last two posts) but REALLY blogging.  Talking about thoughts and feeeeeelings and just everyday events.  Things that I have done less and less over the last year or two.

In a lot of ways, being forced (by freely signing up) to blog daily reminded me that I love to blog.  And that is a very good thing.

Not that I am going to keep going with the daily deal... that would be insane.  But I do plan to blog better.  To really think about topics to post and not just resort to the old standby picture post.  We will see how it turns out.  But for now, I am taking tomorrow off.  See you in a couple of days.


Friday, November 29, 2013

Pictures from Thanksgiving

So I usually like taking pictures. (What??  You know that?  Right)  But actually kept my camera pretty much tucked away for our Wednesday night family meal.  I did break it out at the end, to get a couple of quick pictures of Henry and Cici, but really the night felt more complete with us just talking and spending time together and not attempting to document every second.  Here are a couple of the pictures I snapped at the end:

Thanksgiving 2013
They weren't really interested in sitting still for a picture... and I am not sure there was any time in the night this would have gone better anyway, so maybe it was better I didn't try.
Thanksgiving 2013
I mean, unless it's a silly picture.  They are always up for silly pictures

Thanksgiving 2013
We also took this one of our little family, which  I adore
Thanksgiving 2013
And this one of Boo's family,which cracks me up.

Now at my Father in Laws, it was a different story.  It's like I can see Nick's deep sigh he tries to hold in when I pull out the camera... but LIFE MUST BE DOCUMENTED!

Thanksgiving 2013
We made several attempts at a cousin shot... and got a couple of pretty good ones of the three boys
Thanksgiving 2013
seriously... with the sweetness
Thanksgiving 2013
And then with this one of Henry and Nieem, which I will love until the end of time. 

Thanksgiving 2013
Chris and Nicole
Thanksgiving 2013
This one also cracks me up
Thanksgiving 2013
Me and Candice
Thanksgiving 2013
Before the feast
Thanksgiving 2013
My heart might explode from how sweet he is here
Thanksgiving 2013
So good of Candice, so silly of Henry
Thanksgiving 2013
Thanksgiving 2013
The classic American family.. board games, wine and Black Friday ads...

All in all, it was a good Thanksgiving. Hard at times, but very nice at times too.  We love our family, and love being together.  We are forever thankful they are part of our lives.

**We very much missed Nana and Grandpa this year.  I don't think I have mentioned it on here yet, but they actually moved to Florida several weeks ago.  A life of fun in the sun for them!  But we are a little selfish so we are sad they are gone, especially during the holidays.   Looking forward to our next visit, and our first trip to the BEACH to see their new place :)

Thursday, November 28, 2013


So much to be Thankful for.
Lauren and Gilley's Wedding
34th Birthday Weekend
Sarah's 34th  Birthday Weekend
Henry's Nintendo Land 4th Birthday Party
Sarah's 34th  Birthday Weekend
Tying shoes and stealing kisses :)
Family Camping Trip 2013
Picking Pumpkins 2013
Hudson's Superhero Birthday
Nieem's Mad Scientist Birthday

Lauren and Gilley's Wedding
 Sarah's 34th  Birthday Weekend
family camping
Mamaw and Pa's 60th Annivrsary
Ellie says "oh.. You forgot your keys.. I was just...hanging out on the dining room table...No big deal"

Grey for Missy
Darcy's 3rd Cowgirl Birthday Party
Darcy's 3rd Cowgirl Birthday Party
Darcy's 3rd Cowgirl Birthday Party
Family Vacation 2013
Family Vacation 2013
Family Vacation 2013
Family Vacation 2013
Alabama 2013
Alabama 2013
All the guys on Father's Day
I think it's funny that I used the earlybird filter... since he's a worm (caterpillar) in disguise...
Big hit!
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
Memorial Day Cookout 2013
Raven Run May 2013

Kelsey and Thomas' Wedding
MawMaw's House 2013
Nintendo Land Party
Henry's Nintendo Land 4th Birthday Party
Derby Party 2013
Derby Party 2013
Keeneland 2013
Henry's rock he painted for Aunt Mimi
Easter 2013
Easter 2013
Rigney Christmas