
Saturday, November 9, 2013


"We don't play college basketball... we ARE college basketball" - Coach Cal*

Last night the UK opened their season with a n 89-57 win over UNC Ashville.  It's a good time of year to live in basketball country.

I just wish ESPN didn't feel the need to show every UK game on one of the ten channels we don't get (like ESPN U or ESPN 3... okay, or even regular old ESPN.  Because we are cheap).  I have strong feelings that if you live in the town of the school, ALL games should be shown on a non-cable network.  I know (because the vlogbrothers told me)  we are not the only household that has decided the insane cable prices are not worth it, and keep things as basic as possible while getting most of our viewing enjoyment from the Internet.  The only time it burns us is now.  So Go Big Blue... we will watch whenever you crop up on a major network, or when we visit people who have ESPN.

*It's stuff like this that might make other teams find us annoying, but haters gonna hate.

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