
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Doing Our Best

For several years now the day before Thanksgiving has been when our family celebrates with my parents.  Every other year, it has been at my parents house with a turkey and usually with extended family.  This year we are having meatloaf at our house, just the eight of us.  We aren't exactly calling it Thanksgiving... it's just family time together.
Family at Waveland 2012
And for that we are extremely Thankful.

Sometimes traditions change... maybe not forever, but for now.  And that's okay.  Grief is a difficult, ever changing thing, especially at the holidays.  We are making our way, and finding a new normal that allows us to be together while avoiding things that sound just too difficult this first year without her.

I have thought a lot of what Missy would say if she saw these changes, I know without a doubt she would wrap us in love and tell us to do what we need to do, and to not spend a moment worrying about what we aren't up for. She would tell us to love each other, to have peace with where she is now, and to take it one day at a time.  She would tell us to do our best, and not worry about the rest.  That's what we intend to do, together.  Starting with meatloaf.

My cousin Liz shared a post she found on grief.  I found it helpful, so I am sharing it with you all as well, just in case you are also struggling with grief this holiday season.

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