Nick surprised me this year with the best gift ever...

I am so ridiculously excited about my new camera! Up until now I have been using a Nikon Coolpix P500, which is a good camera, but I have really wanted to make the jump to DSLR for awhile, but worried that the size would result in my never using it. Then I saw the Nikon 1 series, which are mirrorless DSLR cameras with interchangeable lenses. I fell instantly in love, but knew it was out of our price range and never really expected it to be under the tree. SURPRISE! My husband is awesome!

We knew rolling into the holidays would be hard for my family. My mom and dad especially were heartbroken to celebrate our favorite holiday without or sweet Missy. My amazing sister Boo ended up taking Christmas pretty much entirely on her own shoulders to make sure the holiday was magical and perfect. It actually makes me cry to even try to find words for how much her hard work meant to us all.

As with everything, we were sad, but we were together, and that always feels right. There were tears, and our Missy was very present in our minds and our hearts, but there was so much laughter and love. I am so blessed.

Candice made Christmas with Nick's family wonderful by coming up with two homemade gifts/games. She filled boxes with homemade cookies and on the outside she wrote four characteristics of each family member. She had them all out and we had to go in and read the four describing words, and match boxes to people. It was wonderful and so so sweet! She also made the Reindeer games, which was an epic ping pong tournament. Also awesome. Way to win at Christmas, Candice :)

And then there was Henry... his pirate stuff and his surprise Zelda set from Santa, his playing with his cousins and eating only bread (on a fork!) for Christmas dinner, his declaration that he was done with presents and wanted to go home and play with it after opening his FIRST TOY on Christmas eve... it was wonderful. Start to finish, this boy fills my heart.

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