
Friday, December 6, 2013

Christmas Tree Traditions

Last weekend we spent some time getting the 27 crates Christmas decorations out of the attic and placing them carefully around the house.  It's like a winter wonderland up in here, and I LOVE it!  Of course this included getting our tree (trees... Henry has his own in his room now) up and decorated.  Following our annual tradition, Henry and his Papa topped off the tree together:
Christmas 2013
 Christmas 2012
 Thanksgiving Weekend 2011
 Christmas Tree

We also went shopping for Henry's ornament, which I think is a little unusual, but he was SET on Santa in a spaceship
Last Years ornament:
He still really likes it and pretends to eat it every time he sees it.

I asked him if he wanted to take a picture with his new ornament.  He asked if it could be a silly picture.  I said first a real one, then a silly one.

Real picture:
Silly picture:
Yep... those are his feet.  Well played, kidd.  That IS a silly picture.  Maybe that can be a new annual tradition as well.

**Don't forget that this Sunday at 7pm is the Worldwide candle lighting ceremony for lost loved ones. If you light a candle for Missy, please sent it to me or tag in on your preferred social media site with #CandlesForMissy.  You can read this post for details.  **

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